The 9th Summer Vacation Reading Impressions Class
Lecturer Ryriko Okubo
The 9th "Summer Vacation Reading Impression Class"
This year's participants were 19 students in the lower grades, 21 in junior high school, and 13 in the upper grades.
As is the case every year these days, almost half of this year is repeaters, so as always, there is nothing, and it is solemnly
We have progressed. I always write solemnly, but there is really little self-language, and pencil paper
It is a classroom where only the sound of rubbing and smoothing is doing.
In the upper grades, surprisingly, 10 out of 13 students are the second, third, and fourth...
The rest is a possible situation to do what I have to do. But for children and parents,
The solemn class seems to appear to be a rare one, and even in the questionnaire, "It is different from the class of the school,
Everyone is concentrating without talking except what is necessary", "atmosphere that I have never experienced at school", etc.
I always have a voice that will make you feel like you're going to get it. just a real school situation we don't know pretty much
Is it serious? I don't know what the teacher is saying because of the noise, and if I'm still standing around,
I also heard that the principal is accompanied by a child who is wandering around the school.
I think today's children don't know the joy of concentrating. At the mercy of a wide variety of information
and move on to new things and new things so that they can be driven from one to the next.
Parents forced by obsessives can experience stopping in one place and getting carried away.
It may not be able to afford it so much. So every child has an exceptionally hectic schedule
Will spend. I went over there and did that, ate onigiri in a moving car, and did this here,
because I'm being chased, I don't have to concentrate enough to forget about time.
Then you can't go next and you can't digest the schedule.
I want to teach today's children the joy of concentrating. I want them to know how good it feels to focus.
As long as you have concentration and attention, you can't study elementary school.
The comfort felt in this impression class is probably a feeling that can only be tasted by concentrating.
I don't think so. That's why I think there are so many repeaters every year.
The children left the classroom again this year with both hands in their hands what they could only learn here.
Thank you very much~
and in a loud voice. leaving a bright smile.

【Participants' Voices】
We received a questionnaire from a large number of participants.
It is a part, but I will introduce it.
This is the third reading impression class. I'm indebted to my brothers. I find it difficult to write every day.
I feel and believe that this precious experience is sure to help my son. To everyone involved in this classroom,
I am filled with gratitude. Thank you very much. (3rd year, man)
My eldest son, who became a junior high school student, is indebted to me here. Thank you always. This time, in the composition
We were both looking forward to the next day of reading impressions. The teacher's easy-to-understand
Under the guidance, I was able to enjoy working on my impressions. Thank you very much. (2nd and 4th year, female)
I take care of you every year. My daughter has been participating since she was a year old, but she is gentle even in the harshness of the teacher
The guidance you feel seems to feel comfortable. I feel that the number of teachers who scold me severely is decreasing year by year.
I have. (4th year, female)
The fourth summer ended with me being indebted from the summer vacation of the third grader. Compared to the first time, reading books is faster,
I think that I grew up to be able to finish the impression sentence itself without difficulty. I also love the teacher's personality,
It was also the summer that I, my parents, was looking forward to. Thank you very much. (6th year, man)
The upper child was indebted to me last year. The younger child became a first grader, so we asked for it. The younger child is
I couldn't do anything without my sister, but for the first time I worked hard by myself among people no one knew. I'm worried.
However, it seems to have been passed somehow, and it attached to oneself. Next year, please come. (1st year, 6th year, female)